Walk This Way

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LBM_51_Letter_Steve Zepezauer_By Jody Tiongco-8

I recently read that coffee is the No. 1 source of antioxidants for Americans. And we’ve all heard that dark chocolate can improve health and even reduce the risk of heart disease. Hell, even red wine can have a lot of positive benefits. If I can find the study on how copious beer consumption is healthy, I might live forever.

In January, scientists from the University of Cambridge published a study stating that a brisk, 20-minute walk each day could be enough to reduce an individual’s risk of early death. Basically, a modest increase of physical activity could have significant health benefits.

So activity is better than inactivity and coffee and wine should be consumed regularly. I get it. No problem.

Getting active never seems to be an issue for people utilizing both the natural and man-made amenities within the 9.8 square miles of Laguna. There’s no better place to work up a sweat and attempt to overdose on endorphins than this haven for activeness.

Many go looking for the dream of the Southern California lifestyle. They wake up in Laguna Beach.

The town is definitely and overwhelmingly conducive to living life in the outdoors. With 7 miles of incredible coastline and hills begging to be explored by hikers and mountain bikers, this place is unrivaled. Any reasonably passionate person who spends time playing in Laguna quickly falls in love with the environs.

There’s also a strong influence on living a healthy lifestyle everywhere you look. From the multitude of gyms, yoga studios and Pilates studios, to the wealth of juice bars and vegetarian offerings, you can’t throw a rock without hitting some juice-drinking, barre-hopping, SUP-loving, cross-fitted Lagunatic.

Even working in an office in Laguna is good for you. I, myself, tend to be a bit of a workaholic and desk jockey most days. There’s a certain tantalizing irony to my brick-and-mortar coop sitting in the middle of paradise. But I do bust out on occasion. I often take calls on my cellphone and walk the streets of Laguna in hopes of getting a little vitamin D and a bit of extra exercise.

I think most people live in Laguna because they have a desire to be healthy and active, and take advantage of every opportunity to experience life here.

Case in point: One of the features you’ll see in this issue suggests 10 ways to relax and achieve wellness in Laguna. And we’re just scratching the surface of possibilities.

Everyone chooses their own path, but I believe that life is not a race to wellness. It’s a steady effort toward living life well.


Stay healthy, my friends.

Steve Zepezauer
Founding Publisher & Editorial Director

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