Tales From The Dirty Bird

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Decades at The Dirty Bird

The legendary Sandpiper is turning 70, and we’ve got the dirt on the Bird.  -By Debbie Lavdas  | Photos by Sean Armenta

The legendary Dirty Bird bar and local institution turns 70 this year. Chances are you’ve ended up there many a night, whether you meant to or not. We celebrate its classic dive ways with wild stories and a look back from all angles.

There are a few new stickers on the front door, a new surfboard went up above the bar 10 or 12 years ago, and they added an ATM. Other than that, it’s the same as it ever was—still dark with few windows and run by the same brothers, co-owners Chip and Chuck Harrell, who’ve had the place for the last 40-some years. It’s the only place in town that hasn’t changed. You can always count on live music every night of the week, the bar being open 365 days a year and the Dirty Bird not closing until 2 a.m.—no matter what. Drop in, kick back, get your Jack and Coke for 7 bucks and savor the entrée choices of beer nuts or peanuts. It’s as simple as that. So what keeps the Sandpiper the beloved bar it is? The white-bearded bartender who hasn’t shaved in four decades (and fully fesses to being locked in the ’70s) shares the secret of the Dirty Bird’s long life. And we share some of your Sandpiper stories as classic as the place itself.

Down and Dirty With Chuck Harrell

LBM: Is there a motto to the place?

CH: Well this sign here says it pretty well, “The early bird gets the worm, but the Dirty Bird gets the Cougar.”

LBM: How did the legendary Sandpiper come to be?

CH: My uncle opened the Sandpiper in 1942, and he had it for about 12 years. Then he sold the business, and it changed hands four times. In ’69, my brother and I were right out of the military and the place was up for sale. So my mom asked us if we wanted to try the bar business. We said, “Sure.” So we bought the bar, and to clear escrow we were rolling quarters.

LBM: Did you know how to run a bar?

CH: Well, thank God for a guy named Tommy Auble who helped us learn the business, because we only knew the other side of the bar—how to drink.

LBM: Glad you got into this business?

CH: Oh my God, I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t. I love this place. It’s in my blood and has been in my life for 40-plus years. I’ve whittled myself down to two nights a week so my kids, who are 24 and 26, can learn the business, and I think, “God, why am I doing that? I love bartending here.” Even at 66, I’m still pretty fast and pretty good.

LBM: How about the music scene here?

CH: We started out with music only on weekends, and one of the big deals that helped us back in the day was booking The Chantays, who played “Pipeline.” They played for us for about three to four years on weekends. Then things started getting busier and busier, so we started live music more, and the next thing you know in the late ’80s, we started doing live music seven nights a week. We’ve had Common Sense play here, Rebel Rockers, a lot of really great rock  ’n’ roll bands.

Why has the Sandpiper stayed when so many others have come and gone?

CH: We weren’t ever here to run away. We love Laguna. We’ve been here all our lives. A lot of people in this business build something really good, then sell it. That was never our intention. Our mom was with us the first 35 years and her help and attitude were awesome. She wasn’t afraid to call us on something either. She was like, “Hey this is the Sandpiper, and we do it this way.” And that’s what I’m trying to teach my kids. It’s all old-school really.

LBM: How about Chip, your older brother?

CH: He’s like the leader of the Sandpiper. The head guy. A lot of people call him the really old guy, and I’m the old guy. There isn’t a person in the world I’d rather be in business with. I have so much respect for him.

LBM: Is the place profitable in this economy?

CH: You know what, we’re just fine. We keep our head above water. If you want to say profitable, measuring by how many toys we have, you’re talking to the wrong people, because we’re not that kind of people. We’re down-to-earth, down-home. We come in here to have fun, work, make money, and business has been good. We’ve been blessed with a lot of good bands that have been here. And we don’t change. And in a place like this, that’s the main thing we do. Our employees stay here eight, 10, 15, even 30 years.

LBM: What about the brawls?

CH: Well 98 percent of the time it’s under control, but we have a saying here that we call “WW,” which means whiskey wins. And the whiskey wins every once in awhile.

LBM: Plan on staying in the business?

CH: I’m dying here. My favorite place to surf is Brooks Street, and my favorite place to drink is the Sandpiper.

Legendary Sandpiper Stories

Heard the one about … Melvin Miller?

Back in 1960, Captain Joe Gestson drunk-dialed Peoria, Ill., from the bar and started talking to a tractor salesman named Melvin Miller. Joe told everyone about Melvin and they solicited donations to “bring Melvin Miller to California.” They got him to California, had to block off Coast Highway, a Marine Corps band met him at the airport, and when he finally got to the bar, they asked what he wanted to drink. Melvin ordered a glass of milk; he didn’t drink, so somebody had to run down the street and get him the milk. Melvin even ended up on “The Tonight Show.”

How about the one with the albino catfish?

As the “Albino Catfish Legacy of the Sandpiper” goes, Marine Dick Schwartz was off to Vietnam. He asked if he could put his albino catfish fish in the Sandpiper fish tank while he was away. They obliged, then a guy from the Department of Fish and Game came in to net the non-native California fish. So the Sandpiper had a wake, somebody made a fish coffin and the fish, and the Sandpiper made the front page of the Los Angeles Times.

You Said It 

Ron Pringle, World Anthem Band: “It’s come as you are. I live nearby, skateboard down and just show up to play as-is. You could show up literally wearing adult diapers and they would let you in. Anything goes. Yeah, I’ve seen some crazy [stuff] in the 20-plus years I’ve been playing Sandpiper. You watch people change from 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. I’ve had a lot of fun. We play reggae there every Thursday night, like the clock ticks. When I started out on Thursdays, I remember there were four people in the bar—Thursdays were the [slowest] night. That’s all changed. I remember when Dennis Rodman, a fan of the band, would come in and get hammered. He’d get behind the drums and I couldn’t get him out. So I had to grab and pull him out; it was pretty funny. A lot of celebs come through, NFL players. It’s all good vibes.”

Dr. “G” (aka Gary Arthur): “You know that story ‘Where The Wild Things Are’? That’s where they are—at the Dirty Bird. And they call it the Dirty Bird for a reason. Everything’s basically gone unchanged from the ’40s, even the carpet. If you go in during the daytime, you don’t want to look down. There’s gum all over it and everything. But at night, no one cares; it’s the Dirty Bird. It’s our little dive bar, and the vibes are always fun. It’s a good time, especially Thursdays. We took our son, Ryah, there for his 21st birthday. About 70 or 80 of us went after a big feast at our house and we walked to the bar. It was epic.”

Angela Shipp: “When you’re driving home and someone suggests the Bird, it changes the whole evening. I come home sweaty, and I wake up the next morning with sore neck muscles” (from the dancing, people).

Cameron Hamil: “I went to the Kings vs. Ducks game, and [Kings player] Marty McSorley, who played in the game that night, was at the Bird when I got there. We had a couple beers together and talked about the fights he had gotten into that night in the game.”

Alec Bridges, The Greatest Cover Band EVER: “The nuttiest thing I’ve ever seen at the Dirty Bird was this guy we call ‘The Angry Man.’ Around Halloween a few years ago, this dude was wearing a Viking helmet, had a plastic sword and shield. He was right next to me and started punching his shield as hard as he could. He then turned to me, shoved his camera into my hands, motioning to me to take a picture and he grunted like a caveman. Then he started punching himself in the face as hard as he could, wanting me to take his picture. It was pretty insane. I took a few pictures, gave him his camera and got the hell out of there.”

Dr. Matthew Wheaton: “I’d say most stories about the Dirty Bird shouldn’t be told. It’s funny, as parents we all talk about how our kids may go to different schools, but not to worry, because they’ll all end up at the Sandpiper eventually. The Dirty Bird is a gem of nostalgia where you can go and relive fantastic—yet blurry—memories and feel like a 21-year-old again. And you might even find yourself closing down the place and needing the healing powers of a Penguin Cafe breakfast for your hangover.” LBM

Bar Bits

Did you know? 

From World War II until about 1970, the Sandpiper operated like a Marine Corps officers’ bar, where officers could hang and not be bothered by young recruits.

Ever notice?

Ever see the framed war patches at the Sandpiper? They’re from World War II, Korea and Vietnam. They keep them up because they are what kept the Sandpiper open from the ’40s to the early ’70s. They hung some patches up from Desert Storm too.

Sandpiper fine dining?

Who knew the dive was a high-end restaurant in the ’40s with New York steak served for $3.25 and a dry martini for 50 cents. And as the fabled story goes: Duncan Hines came by and hung their plaque out front to mark the Sandpiper as a five-star restaurant.

Celebs on the scene?

Everybody’s got a Dennis Rodman story. And these days, you’re always likely to run into reality stars: The guys from “Pawn Stars,” the “Jackass” crew and pretty much all the ladies from “The Real Housewives of Orange County” have stopped by at one time or another.




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  1. So good to see you Chuck!!!! It has been awhile. You look great and so does the place. Thanks for keeping it the same….like a old pair of jeans. You guys always took care of me as a single girl going there with my friends back in the 70’s….God bless you!

  2. This story brought back a lot of good memories.
    As a traveling aussie, I was always warmly welcomed at the Sandpiper.
    Good to see you guys again.

  3. Best bar in the world and Chip and Chuck will always remain the best bosses I have ever had the pleasure of working for. Best times in my life took place at the Sandpiper and I am sure that countless other Laguna locals can say the same. Sure do miss those days and I am so happy to see that nothing has changed. Hope to stop in next time I am passing through town. Be good!

  4. What can I say about this place? I’ve been around it, and back and out and back, for nearly 30 years now myself. I think that’s about right, when I do the math. I’ve played golf with Chuck a couple of times, and little Bob, and big Bob – played some darts, pool, foosball, and for the first 5 years of my post married life there, I just hung out in the back and tried to blend into the walls. That’s hard to do at the Sandpiper. Eventually I came out to the front, got sucked up into the dancing, and made the kinds of mistakes that guys do with too much liquor, and the ever increasing beauty of the patrons as it nears closing time. Chuck actually warned me one night, as I prepared to make off with someone he knew, ‘Don’t do it Kevin’… I learned to always follow Chuck’s advice that night, or rather the next morning. She was actually cool – most people are that are there, so I exaggerate. But man, she never would shut up! lol Meanwhile, many trips to the dirty bird, over the years – with girls, without girls, with a wife, without a wife again, and it’s there, always there. And most of the time I come in, and I’m lucky to catch my man Chuck there. Our kids are both grown. What we talk about today is a lot different than 20 years ago.

    I’m not a big celebrity guy either, but you run into them sometimes. A long time ago, and I believe to this day it’s true, Valerie Bertenelli was there, and dancing. I sort of moved into position close, faced her, then walked off knowing I could say I danced with her, in the sense we were in the same building. She was damn cute then and still damn cute today imho.

    Stood outside one night, buddy of mine (Paul – who just had a quadruple bypass – get better buddy!) – next to the curb on coast highway. Cars were zipping by, and all of a sudden I got bumped hard from behind, sending me almost into the street face first. But just as quickly this big old long arm grabs me, pulls me back to level, and apologizes. All I can see is this dark face, that somehow glints as it reflects light from a hundred places at least – well, o.k. maybe 10 or so? It was Dennis Rodman, who frequented the dirty bird fairly often for awhile. Thanks for the assist Dennis. And making me realize that 6’3″ is not really all that tall.

    Laguna has a lot of great places, Scandia Bakery is one that I will always love, and it’s the same. The White House is ‘o.k.’ for some nights. But give me the dirty bird when I want to feel nostalgic, and also when I want to see what’s up in Laguna. I knew Chuck’s Mom, and she was a sweet heart. The place is the same today, as it was then (albeit the drinks have gone up – it happens). I miss PJ (the bookie) and the entire old crowd.

    One let story – I took my Compaq Computer down one early evening, during Sunday’s games. This was when the computers looked like sewing machines. I had a game on it, NFL Challenge, which was basically just ‘X’s and “O”s moving around the screen. I started playing it against one guy, pretty soon 3 or more joined each side, and then we had the whole bar joining in watching this silly game – and suggesting plays. It went on for quite awhile, we all had a lot of beer – and a blast. Now that’s a part of the Sand Piper I probably won’t get to see again, because the old guys that hung out then don’t do so anymore – or they moved on. At least that’s what I’ve witnessed the few times I’ve made it to So. Cal and gone in during the day. But the night is kicking, as always. Just not my crowd anymore.

    Thanks for reading, if it was of any interest. I have a bunch more stories, things I observed while there – some fights that were handled very professionally by Chip and Chuck… a fantastic Halloween night (for me especially) once when I was there – when I actually had to fight to keep the other guys away from my girl (that was a first I must admit)… a few times down on the beach when I’d walk there, including a rogue wave that got me one night.

    Ahhh, memories. Love the Sandpiper – always have and always will. See you again soon Chuck.

  5. The first time I walked into the “piper” I was in uniform, it was not the “dirty bird” then, after I got off active duty, I tended bar there for Tommy, we cooked steaks on the grill, watched Hollywood movies on a screen on Sunday nights. I met Chip & Chuck, at Evelyn’s Hatch Cover bar next door, between those two places met all my initial friends in my new home.Some of those friendships lasted the 25yrs. I lived in ca. I traveled to Hawaii frequently, visited 35 countries, and to this day swear the Sandpiper is the best bar ever. God I miss it. If you weren’t there then (60s), you can’t imagine Laguna, the Brotherhood we shared. Om Tao. (Eric, “Redthing” glad you’re still rocking)

  6. Had a lot of fun there Worked at Evelyn’s Hatchcover during and after my USMC tour at Pendleton Drank some Flaming Drink that spilled down my chest and I caught fire Met Lee Marvin and he was my dart partner for 3-4 hours There was this movie starlet red haired beauty who cut her hand while we were dancing “Sorry honey that it spoiled your mood and you didn’t crash at my place” I was there for the albino adventure I would tell about the Brotherhood and the deals done in the alley behind the Hatchcover but they’re still looking for some of those dudes who I don’t remember a thing about

  7. Perhaps an officer’s bar but we uncouth, unwashed enlisted were there in the 60s. I vaguely recall [alcohol not memory] spending the waning stateside days of 1967 there before heading to Asia for 13 months. Upon my return I stayed at the old Turtle Inn [methinks it was the Corona Del Mar Hotel by then ] and nursed my sanity back to whatever it was ‘before’ by drinking scotch at the Sandpiper, lots of scotch at the Sandpiper. I believe I’ll wind up the 59 Volvo we drove in those years and visit as this is indeed a ‘mile-marker’ in my life. Drinks are on me when I get there. Place is a damned good asylum.
    Regards, Ted

  8. I recently received a suitcase filled with all the good ol Mel memorabilia from the Melvin miller saga at the sandpiper. What an absolute gas!! My grandfather was Melvin Miller, I’ve got the newspaper clippings, the welcome signs and all the other trinkets from that episode. Joe Gaston called my grandfather drunk at his home on Peoria Illinois. They brought him out to throw out the first pitch at a dodger game, he was the grand Marshall of a race at Laguna seca, went to a bullfight in Tijuana, was on the price is right with Bob barker and played with Sammy Davis in Vegas…if anyone from the Sandpiper wants any info or historical detail from the sandpipers glory days feel free to contact me.. what an incredible story that all started with a few guys drinking in a bar in Laguna Beach…

  9. Chuck, not sure your remember me but played softball on your team> Friend of Aggie an Pat’s, we spent alotta time there and yes one of the greatest bars around. Glad to hear you’ve lasted so long there glad to see you’re 70 and still kickin it. Miss Laguna, great place to grow up spent alot of the summer at ElMoro but now in Washington, Hope you remember me. Nancy Tevis Fleming

  10. Pre-dirty bird, pre-Chuck and Chip–bartenders were Tommy Auble and Reggie Hurd. Waitresses I remember were Jan Albrizze(?), followed by a couple of friendly Wagnerian-endowed women named simply Jo 1 and Jo 2.
    Hung out there two out of every three years in the 60s. During each of the three third years I helped the USMC kick the Commies out of S. Vietnam. NOT! Got a red ribbon out of that 10 year lost cause saying “Southeast Asian War Games Participant–Second Place”!!! Lived on nearby Seaview St and could stumble home from the Sandpiper of a Friday night, or “The Pipes” as we also knew it. Moved next door to the Hatch Cover to decompress if it got too frenetic at the Pipes.
    I was a contemporary of Dick Schwartz and remember when he brought in that large white fish housed in an aquarium over the jukebox!

    What else can I say? It was the perfect place in a perhaps less-than-perfect decade for an admittedly less-than-perfect person such as myself! Good place to find a perhaps less-than-perfect partner for the evening who of course approached absolute perfection by closing time. Manifestation of the old rule “drink until she looks cute!”
    Thanks, Sandpiper!!! Semper fi!
    I hope you never shut down!

  11. In 2001, I was in the British Army, serving in Belize. Our 2 week R&R break brought us to California. On the night of 10th September, my buddies and I had rather a lot to drink at the Sandpiper. We woke the next morning with severe hangovers in a local motel to the news of the 9/11 attacks on TV. The next few years saw me deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. It is somehow fitting that the events that started my journey to the Middle East and Central Asia began in a bar with strong associations with the USMC in the Vietnam era. Best wishes to all at the Sandpiper from across the pond.

  12. Hi to all former Sandpiper patrons. I was just browsing the web to see what had become of the Sandpiper. To my amazement I came upon this site and felt compelled to comment. The era was 1958 – 1959. My friend and I were newly-turned 21 year olds. We were co-workers at Pacific Telephone and started coming to Laguna Beach every weekend. We usually stayed at the old Coast Inn where you could get a weekend stay for a reasonable price. I remember going to the bar downstairs where we ordered our gin and tonics (a good starter drink for newbies). We met our young USMC officers there and became frequent visitors to the Sandpiper. The guys would usually meet us there after hitting the “happy hour” at the “O” Club at El Toro on Friday nights. I just remember how much fun we had there. The bartenders were Bascom (I think) and another one (I can’t remember his name- Frank, I think”. From looking at the pictures it looks the same as ever. I recall that the Piper would host a prime rib dinner on St. Patrick’s Day (free of charge to regulars). They would put the food on a long table and serve buffet style. That was the year I met the love of my life – a 1st Lt jet pilot from Auburn, Alabama (there is something about those Southern Boys). Unfortunately, things didn’t work out, but I have never forgotten him. Of note, the previous posts took place after my time, but is seems it was still the place to be! One last comment, regarding celebrity sightings, Connie Stevens came in one night during the time she was appearing on the TV series, 77 Sunset Strip – I don’t know who she was with, but she was pretty bombed. Thanks for letting me share.


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