New Season, New Chapter

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LBM_47_Editors_Letter_By Jody Tiongco-15Do you ever associate certain things with certain moments in time? For instance, while this may sound cliche, whenever the Pumpkin Spice Latte comes out at Starbucks, I always get excited—to me, that drink signifies the start of fall and also brings back a sense of nostalgia from when I was studying in upstate New York for my master’s degree. As soon as the drink debuted around September, it became a routine to order it almost every day before class. Likewise, whenever I wear Dolce & Gabbana’s Light Blue perfume, it brings me back to when I met my fiance, which was also during the fall season. While growing up in the Midwest, similarly, there was this distinctive smell to the air right as the leaves started turning shades of orange, gold and brown—a sense of crispness that evoked not only a new season but also a new chapter in life. While I’m not living in Illinois anymore, I still get that same sensation right around fall; there’s much to look forward to albeit we’re more than halfway through this year.

Sept. 23 marks the first day of our new season, and I can’t believe this year is almost over. I know, I know—there’s still a good three months left. Yet, somehow, fall to me always has seemed like more of a renewed period than around New Year’s Eve. Right here in Laguna Beach, there are also a lot of new beginnings taking place this fall from the City Council elections to the new school year. I’d like to also think that Laguna’s annual “nonevent,” the Aquathon, an 8-mile swim from Emerald Bay to Monarch Beach, which takes place Sept. 14, is sort of an ode to fall’s tabula rasa. I mean, who wouldn’t want to, literally, take the plunge into the unknown? (Also, see our inside story on the event on page 42.)

I guess it’s fitting that the first day of fall is called the “autumnal equinox”—a time when day and night are balanced to nearly 12 hours each all over the world. For that one day, everything is in equilibrium before the days start getting shorter and the sun’s rays slip behind the horizon quicker. It’s kind of like nature’s way of saying, “seize the day”; make every moment count before it’s too late.

What will be your new fall beginnings be?


Alli Tong Editor, Laguna Beach Magazine

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