Spin Your Way to Health

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Local trainer Holly Briscoe reveals the power of the hottest fitness craze.

By Somer Flahert

LBM_36_Active_Holly_Spin_By Jody Tiongco-7The origin of spinning turns back to the 1980s, when cyclist Jonathan “Johnny G.”  Goldberg was training for a cross-country bike race but didn’t want to be away from his expecting wife for long stints. The endurance athlete installed stationary bikes in his garage, invited cycling friends over and created a program that would mimic training in the outdoors. The art of spinning was born.

Soon after, Laguna fitness trainer Holly Briscoe was introduced to the method at the gym where she worked. Nearly two decades later, she’s still teaching spin at Montage Laguna Beach, where she energizes devotees and new recruits alike. Here, the 30-year group fitness veteran tells us just what makes the music and cardio cocktail known as spinning so addictive.



Stainless steel water bottle by Manduka, available at Ritual Yoga Arts, Laguna Beach (949-637-3509; ritualyogaarts.com).
Stainless steel water bottle by Manduka, available at Ritual Yoga Arts, Laguna Beach (949-637-3509; ritualyogaarts.com).
Men’s Studio V Top by Lululemon, available at Lululemon, Fashion Island, Newport Beach (949-644-9642; lululemon.com).
Men’s Studio V Top by Lululemon, available at Lululemon, Fashion Island, Newport Beach (949-644-9642; lululemon.com).


Firebird crop top by 51inc, available at Malia Mills, Newport Beach (949-706-2002; maliamills.com).
Firebird crop top by 51inc, available at Malia Mills, Newport Beach (949-706-2002; maliamills.com).
Indoor cycling bike by True, available at California Home Fitness, Newport Beach (949-673-1850; cahomefitness.com).
Indoor cycling bike by True, available at California Home Fitness, Newport Beach (949-673-1850; cahomefitness.com).
H-band headband by Yogitoes, available at Blue Pearl Laguna, Laguna Beach (949-715-1674; thepearllaguna.com).
H-band headband by Yogitoes, available at Blue Pearl Laguna, Laguna Beach (949-715-1674; thepearllaguna.com).


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