Signs of the Times

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WOMENS MARCH credit Lisa Mansour

A group of Laguna Beach residents participated in the Women’s March on Washington

By Ashley Burnett

While Carrie Reynolds (pictured above, far right) says she was never a very political person, the recent election held last November inspired her to plan a trip to Washington, D.C. to participate in the Women’s March on Washington the day after President Donald Trump was inaugurated. A high school friend who lives in the D.C. area offered to open her home to Reynolds and a group of other protesters and marchers—nine of which were fellow Laguna Beach residents who also participated in the event. Reynolds, who works in marketing, created the slogans they used on the signs they carried during the march.

Prior to the election, Reynolds and her friends met to discuss plans of action, including signing up for Project 1461, a website that gives users a politically motivated call to action each day. They also called up the Democratic National Convention and held regular local meetings.


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